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Fathers Day

Post 1

Zero Cool

I just figured out something. Father's Day is not really that big. You just give him things or just say happy Father's Day. Is it that fathers aren't really that important. I wonder? 

Fathers Day

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Hi ZC, and welcome to the asylum.

Speaking for myself, I deliberately ignore both Mother's and Father's Day because I would hope that I show them enough consideration at other times not to need Hallmark to tell me to be nice on them 1 day in 365. It's an admission of failure.

Try sending your mother flowers, or making both parents breakfast in bed, or simply thanking them for being there for you, on a completely randomly-selected day. You'll be amazed how much stronger a reaction you get. It's a good idea to do this a couple of times *before* you stop recognising the other days, though smiley - smiley.

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