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Post 1


July 28-31
Pentrich Showground, Derbyshire.
Run by an established International Motorcycle Club, this one attrcted numbers well into 20,000 plus and the event reflected the obvious problems of getting that many people fed, watered and entertained.
The site is in idyllic countryside, nestled at the bottom of the Peak District.
The music came from three areas and while undoubtedlt providing bikings best musical event, finishing the music at 1am was a bummer in any language and well worth remembering if you fancy going next year.
The bike show was a good one, although by this part of the season, most of the offerings have been seen around by now, but it made an amusing diversion on the Saturday en route to the beer tent.
As is the way with large events, bikes were coming and going all weekend, and the obvious and seemingly uncontrollable influx of the car-dwellers was also a feature.
In short, if you enjoy Glastonbury, you'll enjoy this but if bike rallies are your thing, you might consider the Badger Bash which is on the same weekend and caters for far less (but more genuine) punters.
Oh, and the hosts actually ride bikes at that one too, not trawling about like the Taliban in 4X4s all weekend.
The weather did its best to ruin Friday but we're a hardy lot and it didn't spoil the proceedings and I wasn't punished for forgetting my waterproofs!

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