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Fetish, Fun and Frolics

Post 1


Where to start with this one, if the title hasn't put you off then read on...
This was run by the Perverts in Leather Rally Club near the river Trent in Leicestershire.
After being given a coating of oil over me and the bike by the trike I was following, we arrived Friday evening and pitched the tents in a lush, flat field and proceeded to the indoor bar area for a swift libation or several.
The bands at this one were very competant, keeping the mood going well on both nights with continual music between bands.
The weather was hot, dry and sunny all weekend and the site had a fair mix of bikers there for a party, fetishists being flamboyant and generally everyone showing how silly they can get at parties.
There was no organised bike show, the organisers preferring the traditional method of wandering about the campsite seeing what had actually ridden to the rally and giving prizes accordingly.
'Best Trike' went to a guy in a wheelchair with a motorised front wheel and handlebars attached.
Not an event for kids or the easily offended, the partying went on through both nights and we were having such a buzz, a few of us relocated to Humberside on the Sunday to invade a birthday barbecue.
When we got there, I realised how far from reality I'd been all weekend!!
Roll on Solstice weekend and the Farmyard Party...

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Fetish, Fun and Frolics

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