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Post 1


May 2003
This one was the trike's first rally of the year, the other two official outings both being to funerals, so the focus was on making it count.
The rally is organised by the Wight Riders MCC and held at a Chalet Park on the Isle of Wight with its own beach and has been running for 13 or 14 years now.
Four of us set of from Sheffield into a drizzly Friday morning and headed South, the least said, the better, we arrived onsite, enough said!
Tents were erected in a force 8 gail on a clifftop by the sea, then we got very drunk and partied until the excellent music stopped around 3am.
Saturday became drier and warmer and the rest of the weekend got better and better.
I met more people than I realised I knew and smiled at most of them, well I was at a rally.
There was a bike show on the Sunday and I dragged the trike over knowing I had no chance of winning but siezed the opportunity to talk engineering with the owners of the best kit on the site.
Music excellent all weekend, as were the facilities, apart from the plastic toilets that blew over on Friday night!
I'd not done this one since 1993 but will be back next year, despite the weather on the way down.
The ride home made it all worthwhile.

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