A Conversation for Australian Rules Football

Not what it was

Post 1


Australian Rules Football, ie Footy, is not quite the great game it once was. There was a time when there were such acts as the 'King hit behind play' whereby opposition players who were showing a bit of form were disposed of in such a way that was not strictly within the rules of the game but definitely within the spirit of the game. (I don't know how that quite works) In a bid to sanitize the game the administrators decided to remove this traditional part of the sport by watching out for this behind the play part of our sport with the aid of television cameras and penalising those caught. We long for the old way when legends played dirty, not fair, but played well, played tough, like men, not pansies. Went for the hard ball, into the mire after the pill, and came out bleeding, or not at all. Ah, those were the days....

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Not what it was

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