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Puzzle Pastey

Post 1


As u are without doubt the most knowlegeable person on the subject
of beer that I have ever (almost) met,I have decided to get a forum
going to test that great knowlege....8^D
Where I live ,most people drink Banks's,which is brewed just a couple
of miles north of here.
Holden's Golden is a lovely pint of bitter brewed a couple of miles
to the south.
I won't mention the Firkin and Fermenter up the road a short way...
Up the hill is brewed a poison called Rich Ruby Mild,only sold by the
half-pint to save damage to the knees...
O.K, Pastey,where am I?

Puzzle Pastey

Post 2


Oooh! I like this sort of puzzle smiley - smiley

Let's see now then...

Banks' is brewed in Wolverhampton, so that would put you in that general area of the country.
Holdens is over in Dudley, well over for me but down for you.
There are at least two beers called Ruby Mild, one from Rudgate up near York, which I think is out of your way, and the most infamous one is Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby Mild, weighing in at around 6%smiley - smiley So I think you mean that one from Sedgley.
So? How precise a placement would you like? I'd say you were in Dudley itself. A lovely part of the country to enjoy a few jarssmiley - smiley

smiley - fish

Puzzle Pastey

Post 3


What a brain!
The hill in question is the Sedgley Beacon,home of the Beacon Hotel
where the Ruby mild is indeed brewed.
I am just down the road from there,looking up at the Beacon through
the window...8^ u r close enough!
You seem familiar with the area,m8.
I hope others will post a puzzle for Pastey.
Happy Quaffing,

Puzzle Pastey

Post 4


I hope so too, that was funsmiley - smiley
It's not the sort of thing I've done for a long time. I've been out of bar work for over a year now. I used to be a cellarman, hence knowing these thingssmiley - smiley But now I work at the Post Office delivering letters. I have to admit that I don't know the area at all, but it's one of the places of the country that I do intend to visit soon.

smiley - fish

Puzzle Pastey

Post 5


Tell me what's brewed in your neck of the woods,& I'll try a mad guess
where u are....
(don't make it too hard!)
Meanwhile, if I was sitting in the Packhorse,eating a cow pie and
drinking a pint of Lumphammer,where would I be?
(This should test even you!)

Puzzle Pastey

Post 6


You're right, I have no ideasmiley - smiley I've not come across a beer called Lumphammer, yetsmiley - smiley

Where am I? Okay this is easy, I'm at the top of a hill, well technically a cliff, apparantly. At the bottom of that cliff is a quay. And situated there is the Cliff Quay Brewery. It's the home to a brewery that was owned and run by two families, one from this town and the other from across the estuary/bay type thing. It's over 250 years old but was closed for a while when taken over by Watneys and production moved up to Camerons. It's beers are known locally for being absolutly cr*p, but when looked after right they can be wonderful brews.

smiley - fish

Puzzle Pastey

Post 7


OK,I'm thinking....Nick=Pastey,is that Cornish?....There's cliffs
in Cornwall,and quays...a New quay???,,,Then I thought of Steam
Ale.....Then I turned to the technology (cheated) and found a
Cliff Quay in Ipswich,t'other side of the country,so that's me
totally confused....Ain't it flat in Norfolk?..What cliffs?
The Packhorse is one of 'Mad' Colm O'Rourke's Little Pubs,
famed all round the midlands for Desperate Dan Cow Pies,Irish
Folk music,and Lumphammer bitter,and is in Bewdley,on the river
Congrats on your posting as a postie....I suppose it keeps you
off the streets...8^D

Puzzle Pastey

Post 8


OK,I'm thinking....Nick=Pastey,is that Cornish?....There's cliffs

in Cornwall,and quays...a New quay???,,,Then I thought of Steam

Ale.....Then I turned to the technology (cheated) and found a

Cliff Quay in Ipswich,t'other side of the country,so that's me

totally confused....Ain't it flat in Norfolk?..What cliffs?

The Packhorse is one of 'Mad' Colm O'Rourke's Little Pubs,

famed all round the midlands for Desperate Dan Cow Pies,Irish

Folk music,and Lumphammer bitter,and is in Bewdley,on the river


Congrats on your posting as a postie....I suppose it keeps you

off the streets...8^D


Puzzle Pastey

Post 9


OK,I'm thinking....Nick=Pastey,is that Cornish?....There's cliffs

in Cornwall,and quays...a New quay???,,,Then I thought of Steam

Ale.....Then I turned to the technology (cheated) and found a

Cliff Quay in Ipswich,t'other side of the country,so that's me

totally confused....Ain't it flat in Norfolk?..What cliffs?

The Packhorse is one of 'Mad' Colm O'Rourke's Little Pubs,

famed all round the midlands for Desperate Dan Cow Pies,Irish

Folk music,and Lumphammer bitter,and is in Bewdley,on the river


Congrats on your posting as a postie....I suppose it keeps you

off the streets...8^D


Puzzle Pastey

Post 10


Blimey,where did those 2 repeat posts come from?????

Puzzle Pastey

Post 11


It does that occasionallysmiley - smiley

I am indeed in Ipswich (Suffolksmiley - bigeyes) and there are a few hills here.
I live near the top of the hill where the brewery is, great and easy to get to, but a sod to come home from. So mostly I drink in a place called The Fat Cat. One of the best ale house in the country, in anyones book.

The Pastey nickname came from my skin colour as a kid, a paler shade of white smiley - smiley

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