This is the Message Centre for Tacysa

Another week.

Post 81

darakat - Now with pockets!

I love all manner of animals really, but I prefer some to others

Another week.

Post 82


Must you make fun of me when I leave out a word. 'That's something I never thought I'd hear you say.' Thought, thought, thought.

I like dogs. My dear Machiavelli is turning into a dog. He can sit, dance, and 'grab it' on command. Yes, I have trained my cat.

Another week.

Post 83

darakat - Now with pockets!

Hooray for the trained cat!

Another week.

Post 84


Shhh, he's turning into a dog. He even has a pillow of his own.

Another week.

Post 85

darakat - Now with pockets!

Any second now and you will telling me he chases balls and fetches them, however Ada only fetches inside the house for some odd reason.

Another week.

Post 86


He retrieves my wee wire cutters...

Another week.

Post 87

darakat - Now with pockets!

Yes. As you do.

Another week.

Post 88


smiley - biggrin

Another week.

Post 89

darakat - Now with pockets!

Ada retrieves her rope and kong, and most other things, but only just out of reach sometimes, and sometimes she just flops where she is without fetching at all. But I like it anyway! smiley - smiley

Another week.

Post 90


I love it when they refuse to retrieve. I promise you they're saying, 'Silly monkey, get it your own damned self.'

Another week.

Post 91

darakat - Now with pockets!

Oh yes!

Another week.

Post 92


Quite fun, I think.

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