A Conversation for Weasels

Weasel Bad Press

Post 1

Nicky Boy

I am forced to comment on the hard time weasels seem to get in this day and age. They play a great part in the run of things, unlike lawyers who ar just a pain in the ass.

Weasel Bad Press

Post 2


Dear Weasel Lover.

Did you know that The most
widely distributed weasel, Mustela erminea, is known in
Europe as the stoat and in North America as the short-tailed
weasel. It is about 16 in. (40 cm) long including the 5-in.
(13-cm) tail; it has a white winter coat through much of its
range and a characteristic black tail tip the year around.

I thought that an animal lover, like yourself, would appreciate the fact.

Weasel Bad Press

Post 3


Did you know that weasels actually have the largest brains of any mammal of comparable size? Not many people know that. Also the smallest genitals, but they like to keep that quiet. Shh.

Weasel Bad Press

Post 4

Weasel Man

Ah-HA!!! I knew weasels had huge craniums!!! for more read my weasel page on www.h2g2.com/U54393.

wOULD YOU LiKe A PaN gAlAcTiC gArGlE bLaStEr????!!!!

Weasel Bad Press

Post 5

Weasel Man

Hey, let's entice E Vibenstine and Lochangel on here. Boy, they sure can carry on a conversation!!!

Weasel Bad Press

Post 6

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Got any cheese Weasel!!

Weasel Bad Press

Post 7

Morris Miner

Weasel, are you any relation to the proprietor of Weasel Tours which used to run out of Fulwell Bus Garage a few years ago? Now that really was taking the P out of using company property for your own gain!!!!!!!

Weasel Bad Press

Post 8

Weasel Man

Hey, this is a shout out to Weasel. You, my dear man, are a menace to polite society. Which, dear sir, concisely means that you rock.

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