This is the Message Centre for Simon (Researcher 45304)

An Ode to Ineffciency

Post 1

Simon (Researcher 45304)

I have two days in which I'm going to be on the computer. All I have to do is walk/feed the dog from time-to-time. Now, I could spend these two days doing a project of some sort, doing exercise or some other equally beneficial activity. But I wont't. Want to know why? Because this is the easy way out. I could expend energy to regain something, or I could just stay put and save the energy for something else. Personal Energy Management, you see, is very important. The way I figure, if I don't do anything for the next month, all I will have lost is time. Big whoop. Not a huge loss. So, for any of those poor souls who have read this brain fart, I encourage you to do absolutely nothing for the next month.

Good luck and good riddance,

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An Ode to Ineffciency

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