This is the Message Centre for Inferno

IS it needed?

Post 1

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude

Hello. Glad to see you here. Just wondering if you NEEDED to put the jokes on this page when you can just click the link! Anyway, if you need help with something to write about, just ask me!

A friend of yours,

---Omega 3---

IS it needed?

Post 2


Okay. I might add a link to my buddyprofile, but right now i plan to keep adding quotes to my personal spcae. And yes i will ask you if i need help writing anything okay. Thanks!


Post 3


How do you add conversations? Do you add it by guides or journals or something??????

IS it needed?

Post 4


I don't need your help i figured it out, come to think of it i never needed your help on anything... Well hmmm only in Science.... But that is it! I might copy most of your answers, but yeah.... Well.... So it is not needed or it could be needed? Or whatever you said... I am confusing myself...!


Post 5


You make me feel a lot better by not replying!!!!! THANKS! I think i am going to cry!

Crying.... Twice as hard

Post 6

Omega 3 - The Mixing Dude

Cry 14875023984502346159187345091481235712957123571237549841725623485634659326523945632946592340275029859236450987623450234623056723046593248597230495823459236508296359823465923649872365982364564358926q3101011101010101010111010011010101010101011001010010101011023049203721905793745 (Squared) times as hard and I may begin to care. Okay, so I would care after 2 times as hard, but NO ONE CARES!

Omega 3q

Not Crying

Post 7


I was joking, i am not crying (sniff) I would never cry i am a man! (sniff) (sniff)! I just need to be a lone... (sniff)

IS it needed?

Post 8


And yes it is needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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