This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Scary bugs

Post 1

Jim Lynn

Anyone who was connected in the last hour or so might have thought they were seeing the first of the Millennium  bug. All the dates on the system were reading 'A Year Ago'.

Whilst we still don't know quite why, it was caused by Sean logging into the server with his user name, instead of the account we normally use. For some reason, this caused our servers to mess up their date calculations, and display the wrong dates.

As you can see, it's fixed now, and because the dates were stored on the database which wasn't affected by the bug, nothing bad actually happened.

But for a short time, h2g2 thought it was a year old.

It probably wanted some cake.

Scary bugs

Post 2

Georgia WI Z aka 26104

Feeding the Guide novels into your servers could be a wee bit of a mitake here. If your servers are about to try to change this site into the Total Perspective Vortex, I'm outta here - my name's not Zaphod! Don't give them Cake!!!

Scary bugs

Post 3

Millennium Bug


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