This is the Message Centre for Researcher 38090


Post 1

Researcher 38090

 Came back from failing my exam in London today. A few things stopped me getting too wrapt up in my own disasters. If I had gotten up earlier on wednesday, I could have been in that train crash.
Also I went for a wander round in the evening to settle my nerves, and was shocked by the number of people sleeping rough. It's one of those issues that seems less real sometimes because it's not featured on the news any more.
London residents must take all of this for granted, but there is such a lot about within easy walking distance. Car drivers look pretty silly in london. I was intending to do some eating out (for the sake of reviewing for the gude only of course), but in the end all I had was a ham + cheese sandwich. I also saw Bush house, and a camera shop proudly declaring it is featured briefly in the Prisoner.

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