This is the Message Centre for Mrs_Matt_Damon


Post 1


just saying hello! hope you are ok, love from karen aka kari45smiley - smiley


Post 2


hi karen! sorry i didnt spot this earlier! hows thornaby?? still icy? its pretty bad in newcastle so i am staying home today and making garlic roast chicken! are you coming back on the train on the 23rd of feb after the leeds meet?>


Post 3


yes i am,i really hope you can get there, i dread to think what the weather is like in newcastle! if you are on facebook my name is karen sharp, i am actually quite easy to find if not i will post you my mobi numbersmiley - smileykaren x


Post 4


hiya again, my e mail address is [email protected] and my mobi number is 07986095062, sorry if i sound stupid have i added you on facebook? my head is well in the shed at the moment, hopefully talk soon love karen


Post 5


hiya karen! yes u added me on fb. i just commented on your last status about being modded!!smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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