This is the Message Centre for pixie

Busy busy busy

Post 1


Wow, things are hectic here. I am getting ready to move down south to the Welland area.. closer to the gf and closer to civilization smiley - smiley
I am so excited to be leaving here.
It means that I wont feel so trapped here and I can finally start some of the things I have wanted to do for so long.
No more having to deal with more snow then i have ever seen..that cant make me happy enough.
At least then I can look for a decent job and get things more focused when i start school againsmiley - smiley
smiley - fairy

Busy busy busy

Post 2

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - cheers

Glad to hear you are (farther) out of the Great Frozen North. It's summer! Have a nice cold G&T smiley - stiffdrink and keep the chill from the ice cubes at bey with your Sig Oth.

smiley - ok

Busy busy busy

Post 3


LOL.. yep it is good to know that they're no more winters in the great frozen north in my future lol
and i will definately be keeping cool with the wife smiley - smiley
yay summer smiley - smiley
now if i can just find the time to run away with a tent in hand things will be
I would love to just be able to be lying on the beach in mexico tho that would be a dream. lol

smiley - cheers
smiley - fairy

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