This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny
hi UG
Universal Granny Posted Apr 5, 2005
Hi Chorlton!
I am still about but they have somewhat doubled my workload here recently and I barely have time to draw breath, let alone spend my break on the computer!
I am well, though, and will try and bring you all some news soon.
Thank you for the Easter wishes.
Take care UG
hi UG
Universal Granny Posted Jun 25, 2006
Yep, dipped into the limerick thread, thought all was well and I would have more time and bingo! Another round of work/family crises to get involved in!
None of it is terribly bad. My eldest daughter has just got a job in the local school, which is great because both her little 'uns go there, but it has involved her being sent on various courses (first aid, health and safety at work, computer courses etc) which means that I step into the breach after school, not only with her own children, but with the ones she childminds as well!
I'm afraid I am a terrible Granny - I love all the messy things to do and my daughter arrives home to find everyone covered in face paints, or sand, or playdough, or even cookie dough - but the kids seem happy!!
I hope all is well in your life. My daughter has just set me up on broadband, so this is now a lot faster, and maybe I shall come on here more often now.
Take care UG
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hi UG
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