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Post 1

Mark E

Well, Defence Records 2a have sent me a big form to fill in. Apparently I have to tell them details. Then they'll tell me details.

Rather annoyingly, I have to do two further things:
1) Get my mum to sign it, as she's the first living next of kin. If I sign it I'm committing an offence. This is annoying because she lives in Ireland. I live in London, UK.
2) I have to provide a copy of dad's death certificate. So that will be nice. Off to the FRC then.

Oh, and there's a third:
3) I have to pay the princely sum of 25 notes. Twenty-five pounds for my dad's record. That will be my dad, who is no longer alive, and who fought, and was severely injured, during the Second World War.

How irritating.

I guess we're looking at a couple of months then. I'll be visiting my mum at the end of August.

Yours, Frustrated of London

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