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The long and winding road
Mark E Started conversation Jul 30, 2003
Well, I wrote to the Naval Service Subject Access Request Co-ordination Cell, part of the Naval Manning Agency at Portsmouth, just last week. Quick as you like, I received a kind letter in a brown envelope marked 'On Her Majesty's Service', informing me that they don't hold dad's service record, but they know a man who might.
The NSSARCC forwarded my correspondance on to the Pay, Pension and Personnel Administration at Centurion Building in Gosport. Equally speedily they tell me (white envelope, but not on the service of Her Majesty) that they don't have it either. But why don't you write to Defence Records 2A at the MOD's Records Office in Hayes?
Defence Records 2A, my letter is in the post.
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The long and winding road
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