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A journal of WW2 research

Post 1

Mark E

As you can tell from my on-screen name, Mark E - WW2 Team - I work for the BBC as part of the team responsible for this website. But I also have a personal interest in it too.

My dad was in the RN during WW2, on destroyers and motor launches, then later at a shore establishment in Germany.

Unfortunately he's no longer around for my brother and I to pick his brains, so we have begun to do some research of our own.

Paul - that's my brother - thinks I should use this journal as a reseacrch diary, to keep track of our research, what we have done and where we might go.

What do you think? A good plan? Then of course you could also leave me hints and tips attached to the journal entry on what I'm missing or on the next route in the journey. A good plan?

I think to start with, I will record the steps we have taken and what we know. That shouldn't take too long. Then what things are in hand and the next steps.

I think that might have to wait until tomorrow though,

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A journal of WW2 research

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