This is the Message Centre for Mark E
Mark E Posted Jun 17, 2003
Carol I can't believe you're still there - That's nearly my whole working day!
Why would I have packed yet, I don't go til tomorrow I'm really looking forward to getting some flippers - I haven't used any since I was a kid, and that was really just in a pool. I love snorkelling. I went to mainland Greece last year, on the coast at Pelion (it's absolutely stunning there, and so quiet. Not 'discovered' yet by the European jet-set, although I've heard they're building a new airport there so I'm sure that will ruin it. We flew into Volos airport which is a tiny military airport), and did plenty of snorkelling. It was great, I saw so many little fishies. I have to admit, though, I do get the fear - big fish eat little fish, and sharks eat big fish. I don't like sharks. I was snorkelling around one day, thinking 'where are all the fish today?'. Then 'WHERE ARE ALL THE FISH?!!!', but then I saw some. I figured if there weren't any fishies around they must have spotted a predator... I'm a complete coward, remember?
I'm not planning on going anywhere dressy at all. It's all cut-offs, flip flops (aka jellies or thongs (not underwear!) depending on where you are from) and at a push maybe a short-sleeve shirt for me for the next couple of weeks. Actually, I wore my flip flops yesterday - that's a good thing about working here, no dress code.
At least if you bought that Mac you could have been doing this in the comfort of your own home with a beer! Drinking in the morning is good - but only if you've been up all night! Remember that festival I put on at college? Well, because I was on duty that night looking after everything, I had my first beer at about 9.30am. Boy did it taste good. I think I would have got drunk on two - but we went off for a greasy spoon so it was fine in the end.
I was surprised at how short the Sun Tzu book was, I was expecting to be daunted by a mighty tome. I really wanted to get a copy of 'Harry's Game', by Gerald Seymour (it's very good but pretty depressing) but that shop was so rubbish it didn't have it. I'll have a look at the airport, although I figure 6 (and a half, I'm in the middle of one) should keep me going in between snorkels.
Carol, I don't know if I will have time to answer all the stuff you wrote earlier - I made lots of notes to reply with but I will be off in an hour or so I reckon. We'll see how I get on...
230861 Posted Jun 17, 2003
Mark - PLEASE don't worry about answering my stupid posts!!!! You have too much to do. Answer them when you get back, OKAY????
Mark E Posted Jun 17, 2003
Well, if I get a minute I'll drop you a farewell post! Now YOU should go and take a nap - especially if you end up getting charged for all this internet time!
230861 Posted Jun 17, 2003
Plus, you've been answering my posts all day long!!!!! This is really fun. This is the first time I've had a chance to post back and forth like this. It's kinda like getting to hang out with the big kids now!
Yeah, flippers are great, aren't they? Help you fly through the water! Remember that giant manta ray I told you about? Well, you should have seen me flying through the water after I saw that!!! 14 feet across!!!!
I made it to shore and pulled myself swiftly up onto the rocks, ripping myself to shreds in the process, because the rocks were these jaggedy volcanic things. And I know that feeling you described about 'where are all the fish'. Well, Mark, everyone's a coward when it comes to sharks (and snakes, and spiders!!).
Pelion sounds wonderful. How did you even find out about it? Travel agent?
Yeah, we call'em flip flops and thongs too. Well, I don't think people will really ever call them thongs anymore. Ooo 'jellies'?!! No offense, but that's a creepy word!!! Yuck!
Well, now I can see why you haven't packed yet. In fact, I don't really even see the point in ironing!!!
The thought of that beer you mentioned is really making me thirsty. Mmmmm. My mouth is parched, and my lips need chapstick in the worst possible way!
230861 Posted Jun 17, 2003
Boy, ain't that the truth!!!!
Well, hugs, Mark!!!
(Now I gotta go face the music. EEEK!)
Mark E Posted Jun 17, 2003
Dear Carol
I'll try and get through as much as I can before I have to go, which is imminent, so I will have to be choosey! First things first - yes, the mods read all the posts over here too! But it's a different kind of space - your journal is your journal.
When do I get shouty? Mostly when I get frustrated or meet injustices - and especially when I am watching my football team play!
I'd recommend using a different editor to word for copying and pasting your messages, as it does funny things to the text formatting - special characters. You're better off using notepad or something similar, in my opinion.
Your cottage sounds like the kinda place I would love! It's so great being near water. I live really near the Thames, and my local pub is right on it so you can imagine I patronise it fairly frequently! Mind you, I haven't been there in a couple of weeks now. That will have to be rectified when I get back with my shiny new tan. I don't have any kind of tan at the moment, well, I have a slight t-shirt suntan since the weekend. The weather was fab for the wedding and we did frequent a pub on the Sunday to help unwind before the journey home!
If you like acoustic guitar and 'I wanna be adored', you would love 'On your own' and 'history' which are in the Verve's A Northern Soul, and there are a few chilled tracks in Urban Hymns too.
As for finding an internet cafe, well, we'll see but it's far from guaranteed. I really am planning on not moving from that beach, except into the sea, into a restaurant, or into a bar (and maybe to an acropolis).
And as for that lottery thing. Well, I'd still work. Well, maybe. I would probably be a bum for a bit, do lots of travelling and see some of the world. And it would help me realise my dream of owning that beach bar wouldn't it. Maybe Cuba, Mexico, somewhere else in the Caribbean, or maybe a Greek Island. We shall see. Of course, I have to win it first!
I know studying history and philosophy isn't exactly taking a mickey mouse degree, but it's the age old story of only really appreciating the educational opportunity I had waaaaaaaaaay after the fact! I did apply myself to some subjects though - the ones I enjoyed anyway. But I went to university knowing that a big part of what I wanted to get out was have a good time and make some really good friends, and I certainly did that. Plus the whole college exec thing (the festival was one of the duties), and then I went on to do a students' union sabbatical too so I reckon I did alright - and then I joined the BBC so I can't have done too badly can I?!
Finally (I have to run), the whole teaching thing. You've given me a lot to think about, but yes, hopefully showing everyone that they have opportunities would be a big part of it.
When I come back I think it might be time to start afresh on a new journal entry - this one is getting rather long! Or we could use yours of course. Either/or really.
Right-o, time to go on holiday
Take care Carol
230861 Posted Jun 21, 2003
Hi Mark!
Well, if you're reading this, which you obviously are, you are either at an internet cafe (which I SERIOUSLY doubt!!!), or you are back at work! (what a drag!!!)
Whichever is the case, I hope you aren't too sunburned!!...and that no sharks took a quick nibble!!!
I have to tell you the end of the story of that Neverending Day!!! When the card popped out of the payment was MINE!!! I don't know how. Because I saw him put theirs in!!! He even told me, "When the card pops out, just bring it up to the counter."
I'm sure they gave me credit for the two hours. But I didn't sit down to figure it out. I was just laughing so much about the whole thing. If you could have seen how wide my eyes were when MY card popped was just too funny!!
And even though I'm not going to tell you how much it was (It was a LOT!!!) (unless you REALLY want to know!!), I just want to say that it was worth every penny, and then some!!!! I still laugh when I think about the whole thing.
You were very sweet to add this post before you left.
Everyone at your pub on the Thames will be so jealous of your tan! As long as you aren't fried to a crisp! (I have to say that just the word 'Thames' sends a shiver through me!! To me it's like some magical place of legend - just like the word 'London', really!)
Well, I won't ask you questions about Greece; but I do hope that you will tell me everything you did and all the wonderful things you saw!
I do love that cottage. It's owned by a retired university professor, and his wife, a retired teacher, from San Diego. I have a feeling they might be sorry they moved there, because San Diego is just beautiful; whereas, the Oregon coast has only three sunny months per year!
They live in one house, and bought three others as vacation rentals. He does all the renovation work himself, and she does the renting part of it. Sounds like a good arrangement. I would consider buying the cottage from them, but it does have some potentially expensive problems. The fireplace doesn't draw perfectly, the water lines were invaded by tree roots, the drive is tricky to get a car in - you have to back in up a semi-steep hill. But even with all that, the view is incredible, and I love being there every time. The fresh fish from that little restaurant with the gourmet cook is just unbelievable. Expensive, but SO worth it!!!
Well, I had ordered Happy Mondays 'Hallelujah', and picked it up from the post office yesterday. Have listened to it twice through. I think it's great. I love the drums! I'll have to listen to it a bunch more, and more carefully.
I can't remember if I told you that I did start listening to Urban Hymns, and like it a LOT!!! The violins, and the instrumental parts in general, are fantastic!!! I mean, REALLY excellent!!! I don't like the lead singer's voice as much as Ian Brown's, though. (See how LOYAL I am, Mark??) I will be ordering 'A Northern Soul', though. No question about that!!!
When you say, "the whole college exec thing," what do you mean? Were you a student body officer? And "students' union sabbatical"...what does that mean?? Sorry to be so dense!
230861 Posted Jun 29, 2003
This place is tricky to navigate. I wonder if I'll ever get the hang of it. Sigh.
~ Carol ~
230861 Posted Jun 30, 2003
Hi Mark!
Well, I'm getting excited about your getting back! It seems like you've been gone ages! I'm sure to you it has just flown by. Now you'll probably need a few days to recover from your holiday, don't you think??? Or are you incredibly relaxed and ready to get back to the real world?
Please don't even think of writing to me until you've been back at least a week or more!!!! And *then* you can *think* about it!!!
The history board is at present crawling with physicists and other assorted types!!! Tas is an energy physicist, or something like that. Ross Durham is a neuro-physiologist and membrane physicist!!!! Erik Lindsay is a professor of endocrinology in a medical school. A guy named jack doe says he has an honors degree in physics.
Minette and Mike are at each other's throats.
Some heated discussions have been going on on talking point.
And Nick S. wrote a comment today that makes me feel so humiliated. Well, it serves me right. I deserve what he said. No two ways about it. I messed up your board for these last many weeks. I do so humbly apologize. I am just so extremely humiliated.....
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