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Lew, you little tease...

Post 1

The Magster

Do you torment all wimmin like you do me? smiley - winkeye

Lew, you little tease...

Post 2

Lew De Crow

How do I torment you Magster?

Lew, you little tease...

Post 3

The Magster

Well, making out you were mugged is a good example smiley - smiley

Lew, you little tease...

Post 4

Lew De Crow

I will reword it then, I was robbed by C&E because I bet they had some of those ciggies. You don't live in the real world Magster, a man has got to do what a man has got to do. There is no industry or work where I live, and no asylum seekers either because they have more sense.I was born here, all my family and friends are here and I shall probably die here.Apart from deal in drugs, or steal and rob from people I will do anything.I'm serious Magster, 50,000 fags from Belgium is no problem it's not that big a package you don't have to be Einstein to do it.Do you know another thing that gets up my nose, No Magster I'm not going there I will get down from my soapbox and shut my mouth.Sorry my petal I will not annoy you again.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 5

The Magster

Lew, sweetheart, you are not annoying me....honest smiley - smiley Go on tell Auntie Mags what else annoys you.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 6

Lew De Crow

You never did send me that photo did you.smiley - loveblush

Lew, you little tease...

Post 7

Lew De Crow

And my next question

Is luoloubelle a Lesbian? because it sounds like she is

Lew, you little tease...

Post 8

The Magster

Lew smiley - hugsmiley - love No I didn't send you that photo because I have spent so much time chatting on YM and AIM that I haven't had chance to catch up with my e-mail. Fret not, you are on my "to do" list.

It's a bit hectic at present in the magster household. We were supposed to have the workmen arrive on Mon to install wood panelling to dado level on the walls and a complete new wooden floor, none of yer laminate stuff. However, as with all things, workmen do not turn up. He did call tonight though and will start work at about 11am tomorrow smiley - biggrin. Added to this my vacuum cleaner broke down on Sunday which is not good when the 30yo carpets have just been taken up off the floor and paint stripper applied to all the wood in said hall, stairs and landing. So, we find another cleaner, order it Sunday night from Amazon, not the cheapest but they say delivery is Tuesday, which is the quickest. Delivery is made on Tue but what is inside the box, no not a dyson but two bloody sony playstation dance mats, not much good for cleaning sh*t up. So I have spent the last 48 hours on the phone to Amazon, in between all normal household duties and doing my eldsest son's maths homework (it will be wrong!) who say delivery will now be on Friday. I will not hold my breath and I dread to think of the dust tomorrow night after nearly a day of wood sawing, drilling etc.

Gosh, now you have fallen asleep smiley - smiley

Yes, Lou is def a lesbian, well bisexual. I knew she was. My radar is finely tuned. The problem is that she doesn't really recognise the fact yet and it will take some time and a lot of counselling before she can out herself to Mr Lou and her friends smiley - smiley and indeed, recognise herself for what she is and has always wanted to be. You know how it is with these with wimmin that protest about how straight they are....all dykes smiley - smiley

There you go Lew smiley - hugsmiley - love You can wake up now smiley - yawn

Lew, you little tease...

Post 9

Lew De Crow

You have added me to you list of friends smiley - smooch, do you mind if I add you to mine. Cos I aint got any yet.smiley - loveblush

Lew, you little tease...

Post 10

The Magster

Lew, I would be honoured. Add away smiley - smiley
smiley - lovesmiley - hug

Lew, you little tease...

Post 11

Lew De Crow

Hi Mags
I have added you as my very bestest friend smiley - smooch. I thought they were a bit offish on the, is this thread today. Tell me Mags do you and Loulou know each other personally, perhaps you are lovers smiley - winkeye.You probably know one or two of the other people on the is this thread as you are obviously conversing with them by e-mail smiley - tongueout.You nearly had me going yesterday,one day I will tell Auntie Mags all about it smiley - loveblush.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 12

The Magster

Lew, you little fantasist smiley - hug Of course Lou and I are not lovers, we have never even met, let alone slipped between the sheets. Yes I do converse via e-mail with one or two from the boards and h2g2. As for being off on "Is this..", just my way Lew and I wasn't being off. I can be a little abrupt at times and am def, assertive bordering on the aggressive when I am pre-menstrual but I never mean any of it and peeps that know me well, know I don't smiley - smiley

Lew, you little tease...

Post 13


Assertive bordering on aggressive...hhmmm...remind me to stay out of your way for a few days then Mags!!!smiley - run

Lew what are you doing lurking around here...and am I one of your friends too?smiley - wah

Lew, you little tease...

Post 14

Lew De Crow

Hi Mags my bestest friend
Glad you cleared that up for me,I can't be right all the time smiley - winkeye, only I thought they were being offish not you dear.Hard to follow some of the chat sometimes, and not being perfect (I'm as near as you will find though)I get confused.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 15

Lew De Crow

Hi Chopsy
You just posted before me so I did not see your message.I'm not lurking, this is my page (I am allowed one ). Now lets get one thing straight, do you want to be my friend after I axed you for Magster. And talking about Magster do you think she is a Lesbian cos I want to know if I am wasting my time.She sounds like a wonderfull girl,the perfect femail but I've got no chance against women.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 16

The Magster

Dear Lew smiley - lovesmiley - hug you torment smiley - love
Don't worry about the shannanigans on the "Is this..." thread. Every now and then we all have a go at one another and say horrible things and call each other names. It's a bit like the school playground and if you think it's bad on there then you should see what we sat to one another on YM! The best of it is that we do not mean it, it's just a bit of fun. Take the thread with a large pinch of salt.

To answer the question you asked of Lou, no I am not a lesbian. I am beginning to think you have a bit of a thing about our sapphic friends, you naughty boy. A gay friend of mine once said to me, "Magster, it is clear that you really like wimmin and are in touch with wimmin and understand wimmin. However, you have 'I like dicks' tattoed across your forehead". Well I actually don't have that as a tattoo on my forehead, I think it reads 'I'm nice to gorks and geeks' or something similar, but you get the drift.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 17

Lew De Crow

Hi Mags smiley - blush
I think I have been put in my place, good job you told me about the tattoo though as I would have been inspecting all the wimmins foreheads that I meet smiley - winkeye.Can't figure out what I am though a Gork or a Geek.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 18

The Magster

Neither, my darling smiley - hugsmiley - love.
You are Lew, sapphic fantasist, fag and booze smuggler, the great tormentor, and all round good egg smiley - hug

Lew, you little tease...

Post 19

Lew De Crow

Hi Mags darling smiley - loveblush
I'm a little worried about these sappic fantasist tendencies that I have. Does this mean that as I fancy women I must be a lesbian smiley - biggrin? Smuggler, great tormentor and all round good egg Magster you have a way with words.

Lew, you little tease...

Post 20

The Magster

Lew baby smiley - hugsmiley - love It's the way I tell 'em smiley - biggrin
On the base of the evidence before me Mr Lew, sapphic fantasist, failed smuggler, all round good egg, etc etc etc, yes, I would say that you are a lesbian. What are you going to do now, have a sex change?

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