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CT Started conversation Dec 22, 2003
Hi folks,
I recieved a christmas card
yesterday from my sister (Susan) and I thought the poem/verse was really Nice. Here it is, see what u think
For a very special sister.
Christmas time is here
And there are things that you should know
About the feelings in my heart that I very rarely show.
For, it`s a joy to have a sister
Who is also a friend -
A sister whom I know would support me to the end.
So this very special season
Is this the perfect time to just express
How you`re a very special sister
Who brings such happiness.
You share in my happy times
When things are going right
And, whenever I am troubled
You make everything shine bright.
So, it brings along such joy at every Christmas time,
To wish happiness to Sister who I`m so proud to say is mine.
For, as time passes by,
It`s so comforting to know that you are there for me
No matter where i go.
So may christmas time be special
And unfold just perfectly
And may it bring the kind of happiness you always bring to me.
It made me smile anyway.
take care all
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2004
angelicaheaven Posted Dec 22, 2003
Hi Carol Sis
I have just cried yet again, even after you read it to me lastnight
Go on and say that at i am a silly sof sod, cos i am anyway lol
I will ring you shortly, i am just going to make myself a cup of
your nutty bar sis
Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or Posted Dec 28, 2003
hi carol
hi nats
i hope the both of you will have a great new year i saying it now as i wont be on line much longer as taking a break from it so take care coz i care a lot about you both
angelicaheaven Posted Dec 28, 2003
Hi sis
You are welcome for the but i never got any myself, cos i am watching my waist line lol
Just before you go i would like to say a big THANK YOU, cos you have been a
Lots of love going both your ways.
Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or Posted Dec 30, 2003
waves then turns not looking back walk off wipe a tear from eye jumps on a to anywere to get away from all my problems say bye to Nats+Carol+Jon+Iain+Midnight+Ally
zooms off into the darkens never to return bye all i see you all sometime
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