This is the Message Centre for Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

count down to hell

Post 1

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Well - this is my delightful exam timetable for the next week -
Monday - 3 hrs of biology, Tuesday - 1hr 30 of maths, Weds - 3 hrs of chemistry, thursady - 1hr 30 of more maths and friday - three hours of physics. Oh help me marvin (need his brain size) smiley - cat x

count down to hell

Post 2

Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog!

smiley - tongueout okay let's week I've got...
Geography and biology-monday
english and Geography-wednesday

Oh and I have extra time!

count down to hell

Post 3

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

You'll survivesmiley - ok

smiley - peacedove

count down to hell

Post 4

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Thanks stealth... exams are only a few hours right? And then their over....

GCSE's are generally ok. And just think, when you've done the maths and biology sweetie you'l never have to do them again. smiley - blackcat goodluck

smiley - cat x

count down to hell

Post 5

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

you think you have it bad?
Monday:Contemporary Science and Advanced German<----ewwww
Tuesday:Economics and Advanced Algebra<------ewwwww x8
Wednsday:Art and Creative Writing<----Thank god! an easy day!
Thursday:Chemistry<-----Not so ewwwwww
All of them are an hour and a half and in the morning..... I'm not really awake untill 11:00

count down to hell

Post 6

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

OUCH! so, where are you? Those are never A-level subjects are they????????? smiley - cat x goodluck smiley - blackcat

count down to hell

Post 7

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

The US..... and I am in high school which is a difference but still most of them are AP classes.....

count down to hell

Post 8

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Good luck!smiley - ok You'll both do fine, I'm sure because you both intelligent and vibrant people...

smiley - peacedove

count down to hell

Post 9

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

vibrant I'll go with you on... the intelligence thing not so much... I signed up for AP classes...... How stupid can I get??

count down to hell

Post 10

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Alot, you could start wearing a Sea Bass for a hat...

smiley - peacedove

count down to hell

Post 11

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

point taken....

count down to hell

Post 12

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Goodsmiley - hug

smiley - peacedove

count down to hell

Post 13

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

not in much of a hugging mood today.... sorry....

count down to hell

Post 14

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

That's OK... I think I have become less resistant to using the hug smiley than I once was.

smiley - peacedove

count down to hell

Post 15

Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog!

I cant even remember that you add sodium hydroxide, then copper sulphate and if the copper sulphate goes purple then...erm....SOMETHING is present!!! whats the something though! argh!!!!!
Don't you dare say GCSEs are easy!!!! I'll cry if you do! I don't think that having flu, going flying, being dumped, and going to boarding school are condusive to good grades! smiley - cry
And what are the different forms of erosion? argh!
Good Crumpets! what are we to do?
Good Luck everyone! *fingers crossed*

count down to hell

Post 16

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

What's AP? Astral Projection?????????

Thats the protein test isn't it? CuSo4 +KOH goes purple for protein. Good luck for biology lovie.

Having just had Human Biology -paper one was mean and paper two was a gift.... I feel strangley releaved! Yaz - GCSE's are surviable I promise.

Love to all smiley - blackcat x

count down to hell

Post 17

Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog!

*sigh, phew*.....that was....nasty! How was it for everyone else?
I didn't need the protein test in the end smiley - smiley It was all a bit of a doss until.....I got to placing human DNA into a bacterial plasmid.....had i revised that? Had I even HEARD of that? no!

I've got the day off tomorrow! YAY!
Whats's everyone else doing? Im revising Maths!

count down to hell

Post 18

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

I just started and AP= Advanced Placement they are college courses... not just for high school credit, I get college credit for them as well.

count down to hell

Post 19

Happysuggs-Patron Saint of Misdemeanors, Retainer of Useless Information and Werehedgehog!

oooOOOOoooOOOOOooo sounds....impressive when i think about it (spesh as I havent got a clue what youre on about smiley - biggrin)
Does anyone know how to do surds in math? Im having a bit of a brainstorm smiley - weird

count down to hell

Post 20

Stephanie: who is for once in her life blissfully happy and content

long boring explinations...... just nevermind..... they don't matter much... It is just saying that I have the stupidity and IQ to do really hard things well......

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count down to hell

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