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Wedding shoes arrive tomorrow!
Classic Krissy Started conversation Nov 14, 2000
It's dark out when I wake up now AND when I go home from work. Also with the cloud cover it doesn't ever lighten up much. Ick.
The Israli convention is taking place in the building across the street from mine. You should see the security around here. I don't mind saying that it makes me a bit nervous, but at least Barak has already spoken. *shucks and jives a bit* If that building were to get blown up, I'd say that mine was also a goner.
It's almost time to order invitations and announcements. Exciting stuff!
I need cheap ideas for Christmas presents. As terrible as it is, I think I may do ornaments this year. I'm saving for a WEDDING dammit.
Hmph. Off to do stoopid work that nobody wants to do.
Wedding shoes arrive tomorrow!
an apple tree Posted Nov 15, 2000
don't do it krissy, obviously you are unaware that christmas ornaments are the physical world evil cousins of the new shiney smilies. if you release them. they're gonna come after you krissy. DON'T DO IT!!!
Wedding shoes arrive tomorrow!
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 15, 2000
What? Hunh?
*releases the ornaments*
AAAGGHHHHH! NOOOOOO!! AHHHHHH!!! *gets eaten alive by marauding Christmas tree ornaments, just like we always knew she would*
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Wedding shoes arrive tomorrow!
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