This is the Message Centre for Classic Krissy


Post 1

Classic Krissy

~The baby's in the swing-o-matic singin' rock-n-roll
~My sweety's in the kitchen whippin' up my favorite cassorole
~I knocked off work at ten o'clock, the kids are still in school
~The coffeepot is perkin'
~To hell with bloody workin'

So I go to this "goal setting" thing at work. They want us to write down our goals for the next 3 years. They actually SAID "If you want an international rotation, for example, write that down and the time frame you expect to achieve that in." I was so good.

I did not stand up and say, "You b*****s don't GIVE international rotations. In fact, my life has fallen APART because you b*****s don't give internaitonal rotations." I didn't.

But it is through Hurculean effort that I've not gone through the halls with an AK47 today. It's a BAD day and I want to go home.


Post 2


hmmm, I've been weighing my pacifist leanings versus how badly these people needed to be shown the business end of an AK47. The AK47 wins. smiley - winkeye Jut move to Texas - down here a legitimate defense in a murder trial is "He needed killin".

I'm so sorry it was a bad day. I hope today was better!

*hugs and more hugs*


Post 3

beetle, return of

*hugs with a bullet proof vest*


Post 4

Jimi X

Finally, Krissy is choosing weapons I can appreciate.
Have you ever considered a Tommy gun? You know the ones that gangsters always carried in violin cases...

*imagines Krissy walking into the office with a violin case dressed to the nines in true Swing fashion, opening the case and playing a .45 caliber tune*

I like the AK-47 a lot, don't get me wrong. But there's something special about opening a violin case and whipping out an American-made machine gun that won't jam and is positively lethal at short range.

Oh, and in the 1920s you could buy one in your local hardware store. smiley - smiley


Post 5

Classic Krissy

I know. Who knew you could get nostalgic for a time you didn't even live in?

I would look GOOD with a Tommy Gun too. I actually have a picture of me holding one at home. It really fits.

I actually hate guns, but some people DO need killing, and unfortunatly I know a lot of em.

*hugs everyone* Thanks for understanding. It makes it much easier to be surrounded by losers at work when I can come here and be surrounded by cool people. smiley - smiley


Post 6

beetle, return of

*surrounds Krissy*


Post 7

Classic Krissy

*giggles and be's surrounded*


Post 8

beetle, return of

*doesn't know what to do with a surrounded krissy*

road trip?


Post 9

Classic Krissy

Sure! Um... where to?


Post 10

beetle, return of

St louis?


Post 11

Classic Krissy

Good idea.

How will we get there in my current surrounded state?


Post 12

beetle, return of

*in best Adam West voice*

Quick Krissy! To the bugmobile!


Post 13

Classic Krissy

Oh no beetleman! I can't! I appear to be surrounded!!


Post 14

beetle, return of

*unsurrounds krissy, puts on fasionable underwear over a pair of tights and runs off to the beetle cave*


Post 15

Classic Krissy

*changes swiftly into catsuit and stilletos behind tastefull changing screen*

*grabs whip*

*races after beetle*


Post 16

beetle, return of

*Jumps into the beetle-mobile, revvs the engine, waits for the catsuited co-hort to get in to drive off to St Louis*


Post 17

Classic Krissy

*races forward*

*does a forward handspring into the passenger seat of the beetle-mobile*

Let's roll!


Post 18

beetle, return of

Um, it's a good thing i brough the 'convertable' beetle-mobile.

*races off in search of a 7-11 with a slushy machine*


Post 19

Classic Krissy

Slurpees! They're called SLURPEES dammit!!


Post 20

beetle, return of

Hey! Who is the superhero here, and who is the sidekick, hmm?

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