This is the Message Centre for Jane Austin

We did it!!

Post 1

Jane Austin

Well tonight was the BIG night, the kids performed their show, they did wonderfully well, I was proud of all of them, not just my daughter, but each and every one of them!!

The children all seemed to enjoy the attention of performing in a real theatre and put everything they had into their performances, however I think that "Aesops Fables" written jointly by Damien Hughes and Colin Price, is an excellent piece of work, worthy of publication and showing to a wider audience, the people who came to see it really enjoyed it and were very enthusiastic.

It is actually a series of selected stories from Aesop, in the form of a musical, the songs are haunting and beautiful and tell the stories very well, I am in awe of both Damien and Colin how they could put all this to music, the melodies are captivating and enjoyable, they stay in your head, this is something that has great potential if marketed correctly.

All the hard work has been worth it, and I can,t wait to do it all again!!!

We did it!!

Post 2


smiley - ok

much love,

We did it!!

Post 3

Jane Austin

Az sweetie

Just left a message on your space, gosh I am tired.....just going to finish a smiley - ale and off to bed!!!

smiley - cheerssmiley - hug


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