This is the Message Centre for Brook

Hello Brook ...

Post 1


... and welcome to h2g2. smiley - smiley

I'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors). We are a team of volunteers who try to help new researchers for the guide find their way around. You can click on the link I made with that acronym in order to find out more. To find out more about anyone, click on the link made by their nickname (eg at the top of any conversation postings) to go to their personal space. Lurking is quite acceptable on h2g2. smiley - bigeyes

One thing h2g2 has a lot of, as well as researchers, is these <./>Smileys</.>. You can use them in your personal space and other articles, conversations and journal entries. You just type the shortcut text and they appear as if by magic on preview or posting. For example: < artist > without the spaces becomes smiley - artist.

Here are a few more links you might like to try. A660340 is a list of "Clubs and Societies" on h2g2. The CommunityArtists do some of the graphics on h2g2 but there are other groups of <./>Volunteers</.> and other ways to <./>Contribute</.> to the guide if you're interested in that side of things. <./>Askh2g2</.> and <./>MiscChat</.> are good places to start or join a random conversation. You could try the infinite improbability drive on the "Front Page" if you don't know where you want to go or <./>search</.> if you do. See the guide entries too important to be merely a number at <./>NamedEntries</.>. smiley - biggrin

Above all, have fun and don't panic. If you do find yourself tempted to panic, click the "h2g2 Help" link on the left. It may help. smiley - online2long

Now, if you'll excuse me, there are probably other things I should be doing, but I'll be back if you call for help (ie reply to this message). smiley - run

Hello Brook ...

Post 2


Thanks for your welcome message. Do you know if there is a way that I can put my own images on a page here? I can't find a help page which explains hopw to do it. I'm much better visually than I am with words, and would like to illustrate my space.

Hello Brook ...

Post 3


Unfortunately you can't just upload your own images onto h2g2 (not since the BBC took it over from TDV). This is partly for copyright reasons but also the dangers of pornography etc. The problem with images sourced off-site is that they would not work if that site disappeared or went off-line (though you are allowed to link to your own site from your personal space page). The addition of people's own pictures is on the features list to be re-introduced if possible though.

Even the CAs only get to illustrate things from a list prepared by the editors. The staff of course can do as they like and some official meet photos are uploaded.

Meanwhile the best I can offer is that you switch to using Guide-ML (see <./>DontPanic-GuideML</.&gtsmiley - winkeye in your page. For example, the <./>GuideML-PictureLibrary</.> may already have a picture which will do. You can also create your own pictures with table-art (TABLE tag) or text-art (PRE tag). Don't forget to change the style option from the plain text default to Guide-ML when you edit your page this way though.

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