This is the Message Centre for I_aM_hAtEd_88

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Post 1


hiya sexy how are ya asl plz whats ur email addy

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Post 2


Hiya did u read me space?? I am 14 nearly 15 in sept! and I am from Brum and I am female and u?? xXx

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Post 3


ohrite kool hunnie im 16/m/bham what do u look like plz xxx

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Post 4


I have blonde hair, blue eyes and about 5'5 and u?? where in birmingham are you cause thats where i live! xXx

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Post 5


I have blonde hair, blue eyes and about 5'5 and u?? where in birmingham are you cause thats where i live! xXx

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Post 6


mmmmmmmmm u sound really sexy babe i have short hair blue eyes 5,8 and slim xxx

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Post 7


mmmmmmmmm u sound really sexy babe i have short hair blue eyes 5,8 and slim xxx do u ave email addy

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Post 8


yeah its
[Personal details removed by Moderator]
and urs where bouts in birmingham do u live?? xXx

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Post 9


mines [email protected] email me babe xxx

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Post 10



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