This is the Message Centre for Cybernard
Cybernard Started conversation Jul 1, 1999
Going to have a party tomorrow
I never liked this house anyway...
Cybernard Posted Jul 4, 1999
I've only been to one party.. (On Forus)
Anyways that party of mine didn't get off.
Everybody called and said that they suddenly
realised that they had to work tomorrow and
then I got sick.
Cybernard Posted Jul 5, 1999
Hey, I know of another shame.
I don't know how to use these little yellow
smiley-faces that reminds me of hash containers.
Darreny-Warreny (32619) Posted Jul 14, 1999
Type them like you would a smiley in an email, like this:
: - )
If you type them like you would a word, then hey presto, a nice smiley face pops up in your posting!
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