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Bubble's Guestbook
minimeas Posted May 16, 2003
Why thank you Bubble! That means a lot coming from an artist. I don't think I'm all that good, but I do love it!
The furry puppy is growing enormous by the second! He's more than doubled in size and weight and is just beautiful. The boys and he are learning about life together and they all adore each other. But he's definitely my baby! He likes to pretend he's a cat... or a fur stole (I don't think he's made up his mind) at night. He climbs up on the top of the sofa and drapes himself around my neck and shoulders. I don't know how much longer he'll be able to do that for. He's going to be a BIG 60kg doggy when he's full grown and I'll be amazed if he can still hoik himself onto the sofa!
How're things going with you? You sound a little... down? Is everything ok? Sending you lots of
. Chat soon.
Bubble's Guestbook
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Aug 17, 2003
type your message here !hi if you visit page at
leave pic of your cat cheers perhaps maybe his/her foibles or mischevious side
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