This is the Message Centre for Byrnesnight from Spork

Welcome to h2g2, byrnesnight...

Post 1


*pulls up a chair* smiley - winkeye

Hello, I'm RhoMuNuQ!

Welcome to h2g2 and thanks for joining! smiley - biggrin

As you've recently joined h2g2, you might want to take a look at the <./>DontPanic</.> Help Centre or A719840 that give hints about how to use h2g2! smiley - ok

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me! Just press the Reply button at the bottom of this message. smiley - smiley

Finally, if you want to see the page that another user wrote about themself, just click their name at the top of any of their postings!

I hope that helps! smiley - cake ... (Cake is one of the main currency units on h2g2 smiley - winkeye)
RhoMuNuQ {Ace, Guru}

Welcome to h2g2, byrnesnight...

Post 2

Byrnesnight from Spork

cheers Rho

I'll head over to "Dont Panic" now.
I've been looking for that button since I first logged on


Welcome to h2g2, byrnesnight...

Post 3


smiley - cheers

If you've got any questions, just fire away! smiley - smiley


Welcome to h2g2, byrnesnight...

Post 4

Byrnesnight from Spork

Hi Rho

Its Byrnesnight here.....a relatively new traveller amongst the rollercoaster ride that is H2G2.

I was just wondering if there is any way of seeing at a glance to which conversation or talk the most recent person has posted to.

I seem to often get involved in chats where either I've logged off for days or I miss getting a reply from somebody because they may log off just before I have replied.

It would be nice to see where an active chat was going on?

Yours, Byrnesnight from Spork.

Welcome to h2g2, byrnesnight...

Post 5


The most usual way to check on replies is to look at your personal space (U221544) where you can see a list of links to the most recent threads that you're subscribed to. You can see more threads by clicking "Show More Conversations" to go to <./>MP221544</.>. Even if there haven't been any postings to a thread for a few days doesn't mean that you can't 'revive' it by making another post! smiley - smiley

Alternatively, to see the last few threads posted to on h2g2, go to <./>info</.> - the page may be slow to load, but, when it does, there's a list at the bottom of the last threads that people posted to. smiley - ok

Finally, if you go to <./>askh2g2</.>, there's always a long list of threads that people have posted to in the past 10 minutes or less - you're bound to find one that you're interested in. smiley - biggrin


Welcome to h2g2, byrnesnight...

Post 6

Byrnesnight from Spork

Cheers Rho smiley - ale

and cheers once again smiley - ale

Byrnesnight from Spork smiley - spork

Welcome to h2g2, byrnesnight...

Post 7


No problem! smiley - biggrin


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