This is the Message Centre for Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Blender! Day the Seventh

Post 1

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

As part of yesterdays shop, I bought a new blender, it is red, it will go fast smiley - laugh

I have been wanting a blender for a while now, and have been sort of looking at them, but most were bland or underpowered or over priced, and then I spotted the perfect blender, it was red

I love red, if it is red, I will buy it, if it is red, I will want it, if it is red, it is mine.

I am a marketers dream smiley - tongueout

I have this little recipe for mayonnaise.....with smoked kippers in it. I have really been wanting to try it, but to make mayonnaise, you really need a blender, so now I can smiley - biggrin

The universe is a wonderful thing,smiley - magic

I have been looking for a blender and it provides me with a little red gem

I am at peace

smiley - cheers

Blender! Day the Seventh

Post 2

Ivan the Terribly Average

What colour are the kippers? Are they red herrings?

smiley - run

Blender! Day the Seventh

Post 3

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - winkeye

Blender! Day the Seventh

Post 4

Researcher 14993127

smiley - groan's at Ivan. Worse than my puns, and thats saying summat. smiley - laugh

smiley - cat

Blender! Day the Seventh

Post 5


smiley - goodluck making that mayonnaise. I like red things too. Our toaster is red. Thought it was on the fritz a coupla months ago, but I was able to fix it! smiley - devil

Blender! Day the Seventh

Post 6


smiley - footprints

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