This is the Message Centre for Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

woman have just one flaw

Post 1

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

my sister sent me this today and it brought a to my eye

By the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth day of working
overtime. An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?"

And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her? She has to
be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts,
all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap
that can hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can cure
anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart-and she will do
everything with only two hands."

The angel was astounded at the requirements. "Only two hands!? No way!
And that's just on the standard model? That's too much work for one day.
Wait until tomorrow to finish."

"But I won't," the Lord protested. "I am so close to finishing this
creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself
when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days."

The angel moved closer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so
soft, Lord." "She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."

"Will she be able to think?", asked the angel. The Lord replied, "Not
only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and
negotiate." The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched
the woman's cheek. "Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I
told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."

That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a tear!" "What's the
tear for?" the angel asked. The Lordsaid, "The tear is her way of
expressing her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love,
her loneliness, her grief and her pride."

The angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You thought of
everything! Woman is truly amazing."And she is! Women have strengths
that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they
hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream.

They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh
when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in. They stand
up to injustice. They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe
there is a better solution. They go without so their family can have.

They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.They love
unconditionally.They cry when their children excel and cheer when their
friends get awards.They are happy when they hear about a birth or a
wedding.Their hearts break when a friend dies. They grieve at the loss
of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no
strength left. They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll drive, fly, walk,
run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning. They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideals. They give moral support to their family and friends. Women have vital things to say and everything to give.


It puts a lot of things in perpective, and came at the right time (how did she knowsmiley - erm), I had just been told at work that I was unimportant and should be grateful for getting 6 weeks work!

woman have just one flaw

Post 2


That was beautiful! I'm going to email that to a few peoplesmiley - smiley

woman have just one flaw

Post 3

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

that's what I thought too an is why I posted it here

enjoy and pass it along

smiley - biggrin

woman have just one flaw

Post 4

Researcher 556780

smiley - lurk

Yes I shall mail that to a few peeps too....smiley - ok

woman have just one flaw

Post 5

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hey MV
how are you this morn/eve?

woman have just one flaw

Post 6


brought tears to my eyes loverly msg

woman have just one flaw

Post 7



you dont know me but......

ive copied this out and it will be sent on to all of my friends that arent linked with hootoo. and i know it will then be sent on further.

it is well worded and well thought out.

its surprising how much 'us women' have to do. whether it be voluntarily or required.

helensmiley - rose

woman have just one flaw

Post 8

Researcher 556780

Fine thanks...glad that this lil ditty that your sis sent cheered you up, so cool when these sorta things arrive when you need em the most!

smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugsmiley - ok

It's evening now, and I am just chilling and chatting to my fwends wif a wee or two smiley - bubbly *hicc*

woman have just one flaw

Post 9


Hey! It's vix again (we seem to be following each other around!)ta for emails.smiley - winkeye

Brilliant stuff, brownsauce. yes.smiley - wahsmiley - laugh Brought a lump to me throat *default skin for females*

glad to see you are into rats, a greatly under-appreciated species too! personally, i love ferrets, who also get a bad press.

Do stop by my space sometime & say hi on the "Bird's eye" thread of my journal space, lots of like minded people there, smiley - weird at times, but smiley - cool & friendly.

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

woman have just one flaw

Post 10

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I would have ferrets but they is illegal here ( already posted to your pagesmiley - winkeye)

this was such a nice piece I just had to share it......

woman have just one flaw

Post 11


Aaaaw, it really is sweet. smiley - biggrin

woman have just one flaw

Post 12


They are pillows of peace, and angels of mercy. Woman is nature's masterpiece.

woman have just one flaw

Post 13

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Thanks Hoon

Still brings a tear to my eye whenever I read itsmiley - smiley

woman have just one flaw

Post 14


yes it's very noble. It has a quiet dignity.

woman have just one flaw

Post 15

aka Bel - A87832164

My sister's just here to visit, I'll show it to her tomorrow, it's greatsmiley - hug

woman have just one flaw

Post 16


HEL2 SHIFTWORKING ZOMBIE ; You know those vats were they distill the rum' that would be a good place to put the piece of s--t that said you where useless.Failing that cement him to Kirby's wall at low tide.

woman have just one flaw

Post 17

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

hey tyrone

how the heck do you know about kirbys wall?

woman have just one flaw

Post 18

BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)

better still......shove him in the murray

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