This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger


Post 1

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Is that you?

I think it must be.

I'm me.

smiley - fairy


Post 2


....and this is me over here

Yes, that's Chelsea over there

How are you today? smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers



Post 3

Ali Dubya

And that's me over there. I'm the one standing on his own, inspecting his half-glass of warm Babycham. Yep, that's me. The one with the leather trousers and purple winklepickers.


Post 4

Pat Pending

Wahey: and this is me (at least until I can change my name back from the 'Bottom' reference to Pat Pen). Morning hazel, morning Peter, morning Chelsea and morning AW.


Post 5

V Max - IT Numpty, 1st Class.

Hello. Here's me, lurking in the shadows and looking either:

a) slightly sinister


b) slightly gormless

You decide for yourself...

smiley - smiley


Post 6


Good morning everyone.

I think you all look stunning! I decided last week that I would never sign on here, and so naturally enough that's exactly what I did at the weekend.

Oh well. Will-power is dreadfully over-rated, don't you think?


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