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so whaddya think about this:

Post 1


Two crazy sisters coming to the Windy City and darkening your door sometime...Liz and I are itching to travel (with our non-existent money, of course), and neither of us have ever been there...I'm thinking we could persuade Amanda to join us, we could all scheme to take over the world or something...

smiley - smiley

Withnail: Right, here's the plan. First, we go in there and get wrecked, then we eat a pork pie, then we drop some Surmontil-50's each. That way we'll miss out on Monday and come up smiling Tuesday morning.
- Withnail and I

so whaddya think about this:

Post 2

Classic Krissy

Oh HO yeah!!! *begins to make scheemy sorts of plans* That sounds like a fantastic idea! Someone get Amanda in on this!

Okay...there is one trick. I'm going to be preparing to move to London, which means that over the next 8 months or so I'm going to be living like a pauper to save up enough money to go. I would love love love to have you here, but I'm going to be very very poor when you are.

Do you fancy making mac and cheese and watching movies and doing each other's hair in strange and interesting new ways?

*begins making plans which are not money-dependant*

hey, have you been spying on me?

Post 3


Krissy, honey, I'm the *mistress* of Macaroni and Cheese. You just described my entire lifestyle. I'm all about the no-money-required-weekend!

I'll go get Amanda over here now smiley - smiley

hey, have you been spying on me?

Post 4


Is this a girls-only thing then?

*Crashes into the room with boxes of noodles and curlers*

Post 5


Woo-HOO!!!!! Thanks for inviting me, guys. smiley - smiley So this is what we have to do.... *whisper whisper whisper*....and after we put him in the dress, it's "Fantasy Make-Over" time for S! Whaddya think?

hey, have you been spying on me?

Post 6


Looks to be. Oh, well. smiley - winkeye

hey, have you been spying on me?

Post 7


Damn, hate when that happens. How dare you beat me by one minute! smiley - winkeye

hey, have you been spying on me?

Post 8


Reeeeely? *Eyes Greg suspiciously* How DARE you precede me by 40 minutes! smiley - winkeye

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