This is the Message Centre for Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Late reply to meow!

Post 1

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

Hiya! You left me a message on my Space 2 weeks ago and I only just got it now I'm back from hols! I have replied but assume you probably unsubscribed by now!

I tried to leave you a message via your message form but that posted it in someones else's forum!!

Anyways... If you feel like coming back for a chat please do!



Late reply to meow!

Post 2

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Sorri kitten. yeah i unsubbed.. but ive read it now... Why am i into cats? well... im not really sure. They're just one of the most feminine and sultry and seductive and clever animals ever. Guess thats why. Im having a look at my forum. Your right, it isnt working, but i'll fix it presently. Where did you go on holiday? I thought you didnt want to talk to me... So why are you called gothyra?

smiley - hugsmiley - blackcat x

Late reply to meow!

Post 3

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees


aswell as cats being feminine and seductive and clever, they also seem to always know more than they let on.... I never know whether to be suspicious or enthralled by that..... I mean, what are they planning...?

My nickname comes from some years ago when I used to play role-playing games with friends and it was a name of me as a manic-depressive vampyre with relationship problems..... obvious really!! Christ knows why I actually thought of it, sounds dark and mysterious maybe! but it's stuck as an online name and its guaranteed not to be taken by someone else!

I was on holiday in Crete -- very sunny and surprisingly full of mountains... well, surprising to me -- I imagine that they are less surprising to the people that live there or the plant life that's been living there for thousands of years. Maybe I should write an entry about it if there isn't one already!

Been anywhere interesting lately?

Gothyra. smiley - vampire

Late reply to meow!

Post 4

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Hey! Yep - cats always know more. Another reason to love them. They're planning the apocalypse of mankind. smiley - biggrin

Aww bless - well, its a cure nickname. But are you actually a goth in real life?

Crete - beautiful place.... mmmmm. Sure, you can write an entry about anything. Doesnt have to be serious, for example this one of mine... A1064666

Ive had exams recently so ive been caged inside the house. But Im going to arran in a couple of weeks... who knows. Go with the flow.

smiley - blackcat x

Late reply to meow!

Post 5

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

Good diary!! smiley - biggrin.... I once did something similar about the lives of wilderbeast -- basically involved their majestic wanderings on the mighty plains and then Roger getting eaten by a crocodile.

Arran? as in a mis-spell of Iran (very brave!) or the isle off of Scotland (which I've been to and is very nice!) ??

What subjects are you studying for? I think the whole concept of having to do stressful important stuff in the height of Summer is very wrong... definately need to find a nice alternative dimension where the only difference is exams happen in Winter when there's nothing on telly. smiley - wizard

I'm not a Goth -- I am actually so adept at being "anti-fashion"/ "anti-popular" that I actually consider the Goth thing (along with Grunge, Skater etc) to be fashions and popularity groups in their own right whereby anti-fashion becomes a fashion and so I must be anti- that too!!!! This basically means that I end up dressing entirely at random and having the same hair-cut for many years!!! smiley - weird

Do you happen to group yourself in some way? Please note that I don't judge others on such things, I'm just a weirdo with myself!

smiley - vampire

Late reply to meow!

Post 6

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

You should post that diary then. It would be a funny read.

As in the isle of scottland. Everyone seems to have been there except me smiley - wah....

Im studying for my AS levels. Human biology, Chem, Physics and Maths which im dropping this year. I just did my last exam - maths. It was evil smiley - grr

Lol - your anti - fashion... me - i was so pissed off being labelled by people that now im a *romany* - im me to the core and do what i want and stuff. Sounds sort of like you.... how old are you btw?

smiley - blackcat x

Late reply to meow!

Post 7

Gothyra - The darkness underneath the trees

At least your exams are over now, so you can relax for a little while!

Age-wise, I turned 28 in May, but I'm presently in a state of denial - I mean, how *can* I be 28 when I play on a PS2 so much, am currently enjoying the Evanescence CD, am looking foward to the V festival this August and after last night, I am now in a professional phase of deep mourning and sorrow for the end of Buffy the Vampire Slayer smiley - bluesmiley - blue.... I think that last one is the clincher!

Isle of Arran is beautiful an I saw a huge Stag right up close as it wandered across the path.... however I went for a geography field trip and it was a cold & rainy October so I was wrapped up in 7 layers and having my head invaded with the knowledge of Glacial Morraine deposit formations!! smiley - wah

So, what plans now exams are done?... smiley - ale ??

smiley - vampire

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