This is the Message Centre for basildonbondgirl

birthday wishes

Post 1


i'd like to say a big thanx to everyone
who sent birthday wishes to me smiley - biggrin

i had the greatest of times with me friends
and buddy who came and stay'd with me at the
we are gonna have to do it again SOON smiley - biggrin

a big thanx to anyone who got me smiley - gift's

smiley - lovesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss
smiley - diva

birthday wishes

Post 2

.DIZZIE.DI. keeper of REBs dodgy tackle lol

Hey Tina I'm still trying to get over the great weekend..
after all the granny bopping wore me out ..but it was good to see you all and meeting others..
didn't R and dad get on well..
the right pace for Reb smiley - biggrin

give the kids a smiley - hug from us and thanx for having us over for the weekend smiley - kiss

It was GREAT!!

birthday wishes

Post 3


hi di
it was great having ya all heresmiley - biggrin
and you know your more then welcome here anytime

we'll have to do it again in the summer holidays
when the bird and the kids are here toosmiley - biggrin

smiley - lovesmiley - hug
smiley - diva

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