This is the Message Centre for The Magster


Post 1



Have posted a hello to you in the "is this" thread btw, but in case you don't see it, thought I'd say it here too.

I come on here periodically - it's a good laugh.


Post 2

The Magster

Sarnia...yoo hoo too smiley - sorry
You are right, I did not see your greeting. Reading all these conversations is time consuming and so please forgive my lack of response...there just aint enough hours in the day! Mad lot round here aren't they? On the days when I am supposed to be working I am able to spend more time posting and generally hanging around, very remiss of me but I feel like I have been let out of the madhouse on days when I work because I don't have sticky little fingers all over me, so I don't end up getting any work done. smiley - doh Life is fun smiley - smiley
How are you Sarnia and are you as looney as the lads on here?

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