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Puterdan Started conversation Jun 14, 1999
Well, i am still waiting for the editors to get my entries in the rejection list... i'll be going to see Austin Powers tonight, and perhaps i'll post something on that subject after...
Leeloo Posted Jun 22, 1999
Come on Danny - I'm waiting with bated breath for your Austin Powers review. If you don't hurry up I may just have to hop on a plane and infect your country with the correct use of the English language again ....
Puterdan Posted Jul 5, 1999
Fear not, I shall seek to mangle your language again... (That gives nme an idea for an entry...) It is nice to see that someone is looking at my pages, even if the editors have not.
Thank you
Leeloo Posted Jul 7, 1999
Oh - you know I like to drop by every now and then to see what people I have talked to have been up to.
I've seen a few movies recently - The Matrix - excellent, The Mummy - so bad it's good, Notting Hill - soppy bollocks! We finally get Episode 1 here next week and I'm looking forward to seeing that again. Then the UK will probably go Austin Powers crazy again! Can't wait!!
Puterdan Posted Jul 15, 1999
I just got back from Toronto, and I have seen the future of the movie theatre business... one day we will have 100 plexes with 100 small "VIP screening rooms" Like the one I saw Episode 1 in for the third time... 25 Very comfortable seats, tables between every other seat, and a waiter to take your popcorn order and deliver the stuff before the film starts.... One problem tho' NO Trailers!
Leeloo Posted Jul 20, 1999
That all sounds pretty cool. Was it more expensive? How was it programmed - were 20 or so of the screens showing Episode 1? Could a group of people go and hire a screen for any movie the cinema can get a print of? Oh, questions questions ...Shame about the trailers though.
In our Virgin Cinemas we have one screen which is more expensive but which has fewer, more comfy seats, tables, waiters etc and which is licensed so that you can drink a beer or whatever while watching the movie. This is good but you can only get there by car so someone always has to stick to coke anyway - and for some reason it’s usually me
Puterdan Posted Jul 21, 1999
Quite the same thing, excpet this one was right in the middle of downtown Toronto, and it was a few dollars more than a regular movie screening. I am now awaiting the release of Mystery Men... Could be bad, but Ben stiller and Jeanne Garafolo as super heros?
Leeloo Posted Jul 29, 1999
Hey - you get around a bit! Quite the International Man of Mystery! Sorry about the slow reply. I seem to have become mixed up with a band of not so super Super Heroes who are determined to take over my h2g2 life! Very silly but good fun.
We haven’t heard of Mystery Men over here yet. Sounds interesting though. Austin Powers opens here this weekend so I’ll go see that and eat loads of ice cream. Yum.
Went to see a British Independent film last night called Croupier with Alex Kingston from ER in. It was good, very insightful into the casino industry but also pretty grim and depressing, as most British Independents are!
Anyway - catch ya later
Puterdan Posted Aug 4, 1999
Well, I hope you enjoy Austin Powers, but if you have a weak stomach, keep a bag close by and sit near an aisle!
Leeloo Posted Aug 9, 1999
Oooh, he was pretty gross!! Liked the film but thought the first one was better. It just seemed to be trying a bit too hard sometimes although Mini Me was inspired!
Won't be going to the movies much for a while because guess what ... I'm coming back to New York in a month
Staying for just over a week this time so I'll have loads more time and will be able to do more than just the major tourist attractions. Got any tips for unusual days out?
I think I'm more excited now than I was last time and at least I don't have the worry of having to get hold of hot movie tickets. Have you seen The Blair Witch Hunt? Just starting to get news of it here, sounds amazing.
Puterdan Posted Aug 11, 1999
Well, Charlotte, as for the sights of New York... You must see the Green Lady in the harbor. And the old tall building. You might also see the the two newer tall buildings, you know the ones the terrorists tried to blow up... The Blair Witch Project is a film I will skip... along with the Sixth Sense. I don't care for the supernatural stuff...
P.S. The sights are, in order: Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, And the World Trade Center (twin) towers.
Leeloo Posted Sep 3, 1999
Um, yes, thanks for that Danny. I think I saw a movie with them in once!
Only a week to go now which is quite exciting. I just hope my new credit card come through in time!
I thought you might be interested in Fenchurch’s attempt to compile an entry on cult movies with input from lots of researchers. The link is . It should be good but it’s the sort of thing that could just go on forever.
Anyway, if you come across any British tourists in the next couple of weeks, be nice to them. You never know, it could be me!
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