This is the Message Centre for SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 101


smiley - biggrin hello all

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 102

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Morning Intern...hows the grass? smiley - biggrin

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 103


Good morning

Its growing as we speak smiley - biggrin

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 104

Researcher 239457

Hello intern ITs me html works i have been pre modded on my last name and i am using this one but not for long as i am leaving h2g2 and not going back to ld when it re opens

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 105


Hello why are you leaveing

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 106

Researcher 239457


1.Im sick of being on pre mod sick of shadow Plaging my guilds

Thats the starw that borke the horses back

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 107


Ahh right i heard aboud the guide

If you are possative you want to leave smiley - smiley

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 108

Researcher 239457

Well i cant win so
Theres nothing more i can do goona shut the accounts down
eventulay but a few more ploaces to post yet

I am Keeping my main one open and a message on it

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 109


Why are you messageing around saying goodbye to people
(sorry if im been to noisy)

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 110


Why are you messageing around saying goodbye to people
(sorry if im been to noisy)

The palace hotel is a dump...

Post 111


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