This is the Message Centre for Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

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Post 1

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

I watched a short program today on reality TV,
There was a bloke going through the bible,where he came across what he said a code that he cracked.
The code was to say that the world will end in 2006..

For anyone that missed it watch BBC2 on thursday at 9pm for the full run down on this.

If you thought this to be true,
now none of us know for sure,
what would you plan on doing to make the most of your time that you have left??

Ive also added this in to <./>ASKH2G2</.> be intresting to see what feed back i get.

Please give me your views..

Post 2


CRIKEY...!!! smiley - yikes

We r always hearing of these stories,just look at the millenium on ones....we get em every year,but then again,read wod wot nostradamus predicted,,,,FLOODS,SEVERE WINTERS,CLIMATE CHANGES etc etc.....strange eh ????????????

Please give me your views..

Post 3

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Ho Biriyani

Yeh we do but this one seems strange to the usual as lots of diff programs have been showing about the way we staarted the way we will end they wrecon the earth will just freeze over.smiley - brr

Please give me your views..

Post 4

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

People thought the world would end in the year 1000 and it didn't, but the Apocalyptic predictions of Nostradamus and Revelations do seem to be coming true. Apparently Islam says it will end on a Friday, but there also seems to be a lot of numerology in both the Bible and the Qu'ran. I prefer not to think about that, as I have no great desire to be stricken by fire and brimstone, but hey... f the world ends, at least we'll be able to say we witnessed the most historical occasion on this planet.

Interestingly, the Mayans foretold the world would end on December 22 2012, and there are those who believe that an Egyptian pyramid says it will end in 2075.

Please give me your views..

Post 5

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

There as been and still is lots of predictions about this.

But what do we believe??
surelly not all can be wrong or can they??

Please give me your views..

Post 6


I'm sure I heard that this supposed code pointed to 2060 rather than 2006 smiley - erm

I think there will always be people finding such things, and people keen to believe them ..its part of nature to want to know what the future holds...but we can't do. I don't personally subscribe to the idea of 'God' whoever he/she/it might be leaing out of the sky to kill us all one day.. n anyway if he was going to..surely he/she/it would want to keep the date a surprise to catch us unawares being who we real were rather than on best behaviour knowing it was coming!

Seriously though, i should think we have a good while yet..the earth won't be able to cope with whats being done to her forever though.

Please give me your views..

Post 7


I never plan so far ahead because I'm supersticious. smiley - footprints

Please give me your views..

Post 8

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

well im going to be watching this thing tomorrow night and see whats what. they recon it will be a ice age thing that the world will just freeze over. i dont usually believe in these things but when you hear read see things like this it makes you start to think,how short your life may actually be,
then start to think of the future of your kids future grand children and so on.

Im going on a bit i knowsmiley - biggrin

Please give me your views..

Post 9

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

One part of quantum physics says that the sun may in afct no longer be shining, we just think it is because the light and energy takes so long to actually get out, then takes 8 minutes to get to Earth. However, this theaory is based on the fact that very few particles called neutrinos have been found, and that may be merely because of the way the scientisit are trying to find them. And anyway, even if the world does end tommorrow, I figure we'll all just get reincarnated on some other planet, or maybe come back as eskimos or something.

Please give me your views..

Post 10

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I watched Horizon the other night because of this thread and all I can say is 'What a load of old toot!'.

smiley - peacedove

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