This is the Message Centre for Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Always have a dream

Post 21

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Good morining to you aswell.
We have a lovely day here in Liverpool, what is the weather like were you are.

Always have a dream

Post 22

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi NATS The weather is lovely here today in Birmingham too.

Its the evenings it gets a bit chilly though.

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedovesmiley - hug

Always have a dream

Post 23

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

smiley - sorry Chell

I have been in another thread, so I hope that you will forgive me lol smiley - biggrin
Its about time i had a bit if fun, since you know what happened.
I am trying to forget all about it now, cos life is too short to be unhappy.
I know that i get the odd day being happy, then it will change with the weather lol smiley - biggrin
Yeah the weather changes rapidly these days, and it's not very pleasant either.
Especially the winter which is rotten lol smiley - biggrin
Where about in Birmingham do you live, that's if you don't mind me asking.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Always have a dream

Post 24

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Morning NATS.
smiley - sorry i took so long in replying im still playing catch upsmiley - laugh

Your right life is far to short to be unhappy.
we have to make the most of the life we have and try make it as happy as we can,even if that means being daft sometimes smiley - biggrin
as long as ity gives us a laughsmiley - biggrin

#I dont mind you asking hun i come from a place called shardend its nice where i am very quiete although im on the main rd toosmiley - smiley
Do you know Birmingham yourself then??
Where are you from??

Hope you have a good day

smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Always have a dream

Post 25

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Chell

I'm smiley - sorry aswell now for not getting back you until now.
I forgot to tell you earlier in the other thread, that i have been having problems the last 2 to 3 days.
I am still playing catch up aswell, i even havent spoken to any of the wally gang.
Life is too short to fall out, over something silly, so he must be a fool to do what he did.
Anyway i am not so bad now, cos he has stopped sending them to me, aswell as emailing me.
I know a little about Birmingham, i have been there to Tina White Tigeress's house.
She don't live their anymore, she lives in Liverpool now just like me.
I live in 2 towns called Netherton Bootle, the reason is i am smack in the middle of both.
Oh well i must go to see if there are postings, i bet you that i have lol smiley - biggrin
Anyway you take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lot's of love going yur way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - choc

Always have a dream

Post 26

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

yes he must be a fool..
and the way i see it its his loss of a good friend not your loss cos you are better than that. smiley - smiley

So you managed to see a lil bit of Birmingham then?/
Which part did you visit??
I dont like what they have done to our town center but ive not been to town to look either ive only seen on the news and i dont like the look of it smiley - laugh

Ive been to liverpool i used to have a m8 there and i used to go to hers every week end smiley - smiley
cant remember what part it was though <laugh.

Well im playing catch upo again today smiley - laugh
seems to take me longer each day playing catch up <laugh.

speak soon look after your self..
smiley - angel..Angel..smiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Always have a dream

Post 27

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Chell

So you have been to Liverpool, what do you think of our City then?
Saying that i am better than that, well you are absolutely right lol smiley - biggrin
I am sure it was him this morning, cos i got another one but in a different email addy.
I just deleted it cos it turned my stomach smiley - ill
You are playing catch up, well snap lol smiley - biggrin
smiley - sorry this is late anyway.
Take care cos i care smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - hugsmiley - choc

Always have a dream

Post 28

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Natts smiley - smiley

What did i think of liverpool ,erm> in all honesty i didnt see much of it realy smiley - laugh

Im playing catch up again ggrrrr i have loads to get through again dont know whare to start first smiley - laugh

Always have a dream

Post 29

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Chell smiley - love

That's what i am doing aswell, with me hardly being on.
I am looking for our wally meeting, and i can't seem to find it smiley - wah
So you never seen much of Liverpool then, maybe next time you will then.
Oh well never mind hey lol smiley - biggrin
My eye is a little swollen up today, but i hope it goes down.
The reason is my cousin is treating me to a meal, to cheer me up.
Isn't that so sweet of him, he's the only family member that's looked after me.
He has been there with me through everything, and that is including the rape.
Anyway i will have to go and find my wally gang, cos there is to be a meeting.
So you take care cos i care smiley - ok
I also want to thank you, for your kind words yet again.
Lots of love going your way always.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - choc

Always have a dream

Post 30

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hi Nats I hope you enjoyed your meal.
Yes it is sweet of your cousin to take you out,wish someone would take me out toosmiley - biggrin
Been ages since i went out for a meal.But not to worry i prefere my own cooking anywaysmiley - biggrin

Im smiley - sorry to hear about your rape i had no idea. that must have been a very traumatic experiance one you wont forget.

I had a stalker last year and that was very scary It started on ld for a few months then this guy found out where i live as he didnt live far from me.
For two months i couldnt leave my front door and was to scared because he was always there.

I had friends on ld that warned him off INTERN went mad at him then when it came reality as well i had to get the police involved and touch wood i never hurd or seen him since.
I was so scared.

Well enough of that.

You know need to thank me for my kind words im an smiley - angel after allsmiley - laugh
Seriously though thats what friends are for>

Did you have fun in the wally house get togethersmiley - smiley

Fay asked me to come a member just before i came ill she never got back toi me after i replied smiley - wah

speak soon take care. keep smileing cos it suites yousmiley - hug

smiley - angelMAsmiley - angel

Always have a dream

Post 31

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

Hi Chell

Our Alan always says that smiley - biggrin
He also makes me smiley - laugh i smiley - love him to bits.
He's looked after me very well, aswell as going to work to bring the pennies in.
I thought that i told you about me being raped, so i am so smiley - sorrysmiley - ok
That must have been realy scary, so i am smiley - sorry over your ordeal.
I thought that was disgraceful and a very sick thing to do, so no wonder you were scared i would be in your shoes.
Yeah the Wally House get together was fun, when i was in it cos i was wondering around aswell.
Do you want me to pull Fay up for you, cos it won't be a problem.
It would be great for you to join, and anyway you could be our mum lol smiley - biggrin
Anyway i will catch up with you later smiley - ok
So take care of yourself.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Always have a dream

Post 32

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

HiYa NATTS smiley - hug

Thank hun it was a dreadful experience but i dont think it could have been as bad as yours that woyuld realy freak me out.
I hope they caught who done it they are monsters. putting it politly.

You can ask Fay if you want i dont mindsmiley - smiley

OOOOOO be everyones mom smiley - laugh Im Sure Sian will call me that if no one else does she already calls intern grampssmiley - laugh

Well ive started the decorating and pulled a muscle in my backsmiley - laugh

Speak soonsmiley - hug

smiley - angelMAsmiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

Always have a dream

Post 33

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

I Chell

Intern Gramps mmmmm well it does sound good, and he does suit it aswell lol smiley - biggrin
Well i think it was a dreadful experience, cos i wouldn't like to go through that.
I havent spoken to Fay yet, bcos i have been away.
I went to Chetser for a couple of days.
Oh i had a marvellous time, aswell as my blisters smiley - wah lol
I hope that your back gets better, cos it's horrible having a bad back.
I am smiley - sorry to say this but i will have to go, you see i am doing catch up on my threads.
So in the mean time you take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lots of love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - choc

Always have a dream

Post 34

*angelicaheaven* Gummy Angel (aka Jon's gummy sis) lol :-)

I Chell

Intern Gramps mmmmm well it does sound good, and he does suit it aswell lol smiley - biggrin
Well i think it was a dreadful experience, cos i wouldn't like to go through that.
I havent spoken to Fay yet, bcos i have been away.
I went to Chetser for a couple of days.
Oh i had a marvellous time, aswell as my blisters smiley - wah lol
I hope that your back gets better, cos it's horrible having a bad back.
I am smiley - sorry to say this but i will have to go, you see i am doing catch up on my threads.
So in the mean time you take care cos i care smiley - ok
Lots of love going your way.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx
smiley - rosesmiley - choc

Always have a dream

Post 35

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hello natss Glad your back you have been missed.
Glad you had a good time and are back refreshedsmiley - biggrin

Ok Hun you take care let you catch up and will speak l8a take care.
smiley - hug
smiley - angelMAsmiley - angel
smiley - peacedove

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