This is the Message Centre for Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or


Post 1

Tiger-in-a-TigerTank. But you can call me stuey or

well for the past few weeks i have been looking 4 work. But no luck boo hoosmiley - crysmiley - blue any way Asda has replyed but no luck. But i still keep looking for work.well went to c my smiley - angel of Liverpool and thesmiley - love of my life and well i just could not leave i just started to miss her when it came time to go home i wish i could have stayed longer with her. I have to tell u all i smiley - cryed As the train left Liverpool i started to cry but it happend ok i am soft.But i just know she is my smiley - angelof mysmiley - loveand the smiley - love of my life ok i have to go now but i tell u more soonsmiley - coolsmiley - biggrin

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