This is the Message Centre for Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Ello chelle

Post 1


been a long time, ope all is with you, all the best for 2004


Do-I-Know-You / Leeds_Lady2002

Ello chelle

Post 2

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hello All the best to you.
Im realy smiley - sorry though but i dont know who you are ooppss but you obviously know me so your have to remind me a bit more about your self smiley - smiley

Ello chelle

Post 3


lmfao.... was a nite own on ld... was Leeds_Lady2002.... !..SwissCowgirl..! and a few more lol

Ello chelle

Post 4

Midnight Angel (ACE / G~A / GODDESS)

Hiya how you doing/
I remember swis cowgirlsmiley - biggrin

I thought it may have been from ld i knew you fromsmiley - wow It had been a long time then as i didnt use this name on ld for a very long time before it closed down>
So how you doing then?
Did you just spot my name somewheresmiley - biggrin
Nice of you to remember me and drop me a linesmiley - smiley

So are you new to h2g2 or you been useing it for a while now?
well since i came on here at the end of feb i came a H2G2 Guardian Angel then a Ace and a GODDESS and im also a BBCi Tester.
im doing well and i love this place its more friendlier than ld its a great site. smiley - smiley

So what you been doing with your self?

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