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Casa Grande II...

Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Or Bad Karma takes over Las Vegas.

My paintball team, , recently went to Las Vegas, NV for a paintball scenario called Casa Grande II. It was held in Northern LV at a location that is rumoured to be the former residence of a drug lord. It's now in the process of being demolished, but it was still standing for that one last day.

Your humble journalist was able to participate in this game, and there is photographic evidence to prove it...

I had a blast, even if I was having equipment problems all day long.

Casa Grande II...

Post 2

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Cool. But difficult to make out your smiling face... smiley - smiley

Casa Grande II...

Post 3

marvthegrate LtG KEA

That's what the mask is for. That reminds me.... I need to get a new lens for it. I also need a vest that matches my uniform.

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