This is the Message Centre for AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hiya xAndreax

Post 1

Father Jack

Place your message here!
wheres wally?

Hiya xAndreax

Post 2


Hello how are yousmiley - smiley

Hiya xAndreax

Post 3

Father Jack

hello is that a new name?

Hiya xAndreax

Post 4


smiley - ermNo i have shortened it a bit i had post reporter and some more writeing i thought i would just keep it simple smiley - smileywhat you been doing with yourself you havent been around for a bit

Hiya xAndreax

Post 5

Father Jack

oh right now i remember.....big rugby fan .....been a lot of hassle fer digiboxers

Hiya xAndreax

Post 6


yeh thats me smiley - rofl why whats been happerning with them i know the loop hole was closed still not been able to get back on useing a box

Hiya xAndreax

Post 7

Father Jack

i'm on by using betsie and viewing everything in plain text

Hiya xAndreax

Post 8


Whats betsie

I'm in alabaster don't like Brunel goo isn't bad rather have a plain skin tho see what I'm doing have a habit of unsubbing in other skinssmiley - rofl

Hiya xAndreax

Post 9

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

ive got a bad habit of never unsubbing from anything and ressurecting long dead threads

Hiya xAndreax

Post 10


its funny i have unsubbed from a few threads and they have just seem to vanish i looked in the usual places misc chat and ask h2g2 without lucksmiley - smiley

Hiya xAndreax

Post 11

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

yeah in those cases i think your only option is to traw through your old conversations list

Hiya xAndreax

Post 12


smiley - smileysome of the threads you find doing that smiley - rofl

Hiya xAndreax

Post 13

Father Jack

i guess that*s why i never unsub

Hiya xAndreax

Post 14


I unsub from ones that don't interest me like one on the new England manager

Hiya xAndreax

Post 15

Father Jack

i never saw that one

Hiya xAndreax

Post 16


its here F16034?thread=2841074 they have got a manager a English bloke smiley - rofl

Hiya xAndreax

Post 17

Father Jack

aye McClaren from Middlesborough

Hiya xAndreax

Post 18


good luck to him smiley - smiley

bulls have ben all change nobble has gone steve mac's in and we have won 1 from 3 smiley - wah

Hiya xAndreax

Post 19

Father Jack

have you ever checked out that sportdaq game?

Hiya xAndreax

Post 20


Never heard of it smiley - rofl why what is it

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