This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

didnt yike a thred, they yiked my tagline

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

as you will see i have redone my tagline, its my family motto,
in english and latin.why you ask,
yesterday, for a resaon the h2g2 email didnt really make much sence, it was yiked and my u210898 in its place.
till i got the email at the cyber this morning i had no idea,why.
i thought, another h2g2 glitch.
if someone didnt think it was right, why couldnt they just, send a mesage and say, change this, its wrong, or commar missing, no yiked. am i mad, you bet i am,
7 years on the h2g2, and i dont even get the certicy of a message
so if the h2g2 or editers see this jerno, please let me know why my family motto was yiked
and if you still dont think its right, are you again going to yike the lot.
smiley - dragon jim

didnt yike a thred, they yiked my tagline

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - hug

Someone has got too much time on their hands, and must be very bored to spend their time looking at other peoples taglines, and complaining about the grammar.

I hope you will find out why, your tagline was yikesed.

didnt yike a thred, they yiked my tagline

Post 3


Hi Jim,

Glad your tag-line's is restored. smiley - smiley


PS. Please check your mail

didnt yike a thred, they yiked my tagline

Post 4

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi ds
i redid it, had to
if blueyonder, cant till cyber tomz thanks smiley - dragon jim

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