This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

the nightmare as begun this morning

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

where i live on a large estate, old masonettes where taken down long time ago.
years ago plans where made to have something on all the spare land.
till now nothing as happened, thats till today.
at the oment all the trees on the spare land are being removed or cut down, one of the 5 spare areas as half of it with a high wire fence round, and the other half before they leave no doubt.
from start to finish will be at least a year, a nightmare, with noise, from as early as 7am at times. i think i need a transfer to a smaller place lol. the double glazing wont be any good.
if me and prof thought the upeveal with the housing was a nightmare this will be ten times worse, and chance of sleeping on, even sundays will be fun, i dont think, smiley - dragon jim

the nightmare as begun this morning

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Hi Jimsmiley - smiley

Sorry to hear that you work up to sound of very heavy construction works. I remember hearing about 42 flats being built and that they resdients of other flats and houses had to put up with a great of noise for three-four months.

7 an is very early to start work, around here when they are building flats, I thoink they start work from 8:30 am.

I hope that they will consider the other residents and start later, at more reasonable time, as 7:00 am is far too early.

the nightmare as begun this morning

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

they started at 7-30 this morning with two very big and noisey grass cutters, to ones that also collect the grass.
and more fencing as gone up, so they must have been at it from 7am smiley - dragon jim

the nightmare as begun this morning

Post 4

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

I feel sorry for you Jim , come over here It's nice and quite most of the timesmiley - biggrin

the nightmare as begun this morning

Post 5

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi arnold
we where hoping the crunch would delay them, but no, here they are,i,ll have to get a pair of the industrial earphones to get any sleep in the early morning lol.and thats no joke.
i have a wall socket timer, i can set with a radio, to come on at 9am lol,as good as any alarm.smiley - dragon jim

the nightmare as begun this morning

Post 6


Hi Jim,
Sorry to hear of the disturbance. Can you complain to some authority and urge them to atart later?


the nightmare as begun this morning

Post 7

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi sd
they will have a scedual to keep to, and as the new buildings are right in the middle of the estate, it wont make a diff.
they are putting the fences today and torrow, then they bigin phase one from next monday. smiley - dragon jim

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