This is the Message Centre for Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

whats happened to the ruddy summer,lol

Post 1

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

unacustomed to writing jerno,s
i thought this needed to be said.
im fedup of this contant rain,day in, day out.
hopefully the weather will be brighter,around the 26th of this month,a friend and his lass are coming to hudderfield, and i intend to go for a day to meet up with them,so if anyone as any influence with the world weather(some hope)jimxx

whats happened to the ruddy summer,lol

Post 2

^Alleycat^ like anagrams?? follow me >>>>>

Hiya Jim, well we had a really nice day today smiley - smiley so it's fingers crossed for the weekend and i'll say a prayer for the 26th, hope you gave a good day out.

smiley - love S

whats happened to the ruddy summer,lol

Post 3

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi alleycat
its still trying to rain,but still very humid, so lets hope tomorrows sunny, i want to go out, im fed up of staying in jimx

whats happened to the ruddy summer,lol

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

hiya jim... smiley - hug

i know wot you mean luv... and it's no bloody cooler for all the rain...
not been too bad today, warm n dry... but past few, well sunny one minute then peeing down the next.... sick of having to out with the yard brush to push up the top of the gazebo to get the water off before it rips... smiley - wah
fingers crossed for your meet luv....
smiley - love

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