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plastic carrier bags, or no plastic carrier bags

Post 21

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi all
its not the humble plastic bag that could go,if they stop with them, how long before other types of plastic bags are targeted.
its like they say, there is no smoke without a fire.
as someone said in an earlier post, after the bags are used to bring home the shopping, they are used to put household waste in so you dont mess the wheelies.
if the small is gone in time, then its use the bin bag. or the black plastic bags, so we arnt going to solve the situation one way or the other.
you still have to throw out the rubbish and waste,and the plastic bag whichever will still be used.
in a nutshell, there is no answerlose one use another. remove than, use the next avaliable.neverending smiley - peacedove jim

plastic carrier bags, or no plastic carrier bags

Post 22

prof gawid

hmm now the blue bin you can't put plastic bags in or they wont lift it.we have more waste problems now with 3 bins than we had then it was one bin.

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