This is the Message Centre for Jane Austin

Hello and Welcome to h2g2 Jane Austin

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

Hello and welcome to h2g2. I hope you are settling in allright. It can be very overwhelming at first but are a few things, hints and links for new researchers like yourself to help you along and enjoy this great and friendly place.

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Hello and Welcome to h2g2 Jane Austin

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Here are some more links

Plain skin for digibox users

Advise Corner on the FoLDers Arms Front Page


Hello and Welcome to h2g2 Jane Austin

Post 3

Reality Manipulator

Explaining Ho to change plain skin to GuideML

Spicing up Your User Page

Friends of LD's Space


Hello and Welcome to h2g2 Jane Austin

Post 4

Jane Austin

hi Katrin smiley - biggrin

Thank you so much for your advice, yes, it,s a bit daunting for a "newbie" like me, but I am getting more confident, I even popped in to a pub last night, alone!!!!


Hello and Welcome to h2g2 Jane Austin

Post 5

Reality Manipulator

Hello Jane

That is one thing I have not done go to a pub on my own.smiley - smiley

I am going on a New Directions Course and hopefully my confidence will be boasted.smiley - smiley

You are doing very well for a newbie. I started here early May last year and it took me over 2 months to realise I had a personal space and another 2 weeks or more to realise I had to have a nickname.smiley - smiley


Hello and Welcome to h2g2 Jane Austin

Post 6

Jane Austin

Hi Katrine

smiley - erm whats a New Directions Course??

I just love these smileys!!! and the pub is just great!!

I think it is a great site, and I am really enjoying finding my way around, thanks for your help.

rgds Jane smiley - biggrin

Hello and Welcome to h2g2 Jane Austin

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

Good Morning Jane

All local authorities have New Direction Courses at nearly every adult education centre and college will have these courses run specifically for women who have been away from the work/learning scene for some time.

They help you to analyze your skills, realize what potentials you have, and what direction in life you would want to take. You also get a chance of tasting various courses there without committing yourself. You also are helped to identify the obstacles that prevent you reaching your goals in life.
There is also cv prepartation. You keep a diary of how you feel about the course.


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